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01246 455927


Engaging, Comfortable and Fun

At Ability Care we have a range of sites and services that cover many aspects of care.  Whatever the site or services we always strive to provide the most rich and comfortable environments no matter the need of the client. We now extend this to your own home for those who cannot leave their own home or feel more happier there.

Ash Lodge- Day Services and Respite Services:

Ash Lodge- Day Services and Respite Services:

Ability provides a range of services for adults with learning disabilities, autism, behaviours that challenge, mental health conditions and complex health needs.

Our service at Ash Lodge provides a day centre for these adults to attend and offer respite care for the adults. We have seven bedrooms within our respite service and these are booked through our regular booking system.

All our care is tailored to the adult’s personal needs and requirements, we aim to encourage the adults to be as independent as they possibly can with the support from our Support Workers.

Ash Lodge includes:

  • Working on independent skills such as; preparing and cooking a meal, making a cold or hot drink (with staff observation and support), using their practical and theoretical skills where needed and helping staff to load the washer, drier and dishwasher
  • Staff will encourage the adults to be independent within their personal care needs and will assist in any areas should it be required
  • Staff will assist them with appointments such as; doctors, hospital, dentist, opticians or any other specialist requirements
  • Staff members also encourage the adults to lead a healthy lifestyle, whether this is through, dietary needs, exercise plans or involving specialist help from external agencies

Church Close- Supported Living:

Church Close is our supported living service. Here we offer support to individuals wishing to lead a more independent lifestyle with the appropriate support to engage in the local community and develop independent skills. We have a fantastic hard working staff team that are trained to meet individual needs and requirements.

Church close supported living includes:

  •  A service to suit an individual’s needs- Person centred approach
  •  Support with day to day routines- healthcare, personal care, medication and meal preparation
  •  All individuals are supported to their own personal budgets
  •  We have specialist equipment to suit an individual’s needs including a tracking hoist, a shower bench, bath seats and profiling beds
  •  A highly dedicated team of staff who have the skills to help motivate and enhance the lifestyles of each individual we support
  •  Support and guidance to integrate within the local community
  •  Life choice support
  •  Support to access community centres and day centres to meet new friend


Our fantastic staff support team offer an at home service that meets your needs. We will come to you in your own familiar environment and support you in a person-centred way. You can access our fully trained staff members to support you with all your health appointments, going to visit family members and accessing the community

Community Care includes:

  • Have support within your own home
  • Access the local community safely with support from our team
  • Create your own person-centred care plan that meets your needs in familiar surroundings
  • Access to our day services if you wished to engage with others
  • Ability to set and achieve goals within your own home
  • Learn new skills that can be transferred into other hobbies you may have
  • Access to our 24/7 on call service
  • A CQC registered charity that works hard to promote your independence within our community

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